That Kid

I cant tell you how happy this portrait of my favorite guy makes me.

The weekend we found ourselves with a very sick little guy on our hands...there was no cough or cold but he had a high fever and so sick...poor little guy...and poor us too not knowing what to do. Jaiya is pretty good at playing Nurse Ratchett.
Today he bloomed his usual rambunctious self...we heaved a sigh of relief and I felt immediately happy..its been a good day.

I started my pilates class legs felt like they were going to drop off...the back fence is up now (a fabulous contribution from some friends)  to keep Houdini Rumi from wandering around the neighbourhood and its still bloody hot.

My eyes keep wandering to the thumbnail of that little face...(he is in bed asleep now) and I cant help but smile everytime I see it.

“The most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or touched, they are felt with the heart.”

-Antoine de Saint- Exupery

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