Drone Flying

With my headache, and Jon's recurring toothache, we are feeling geriatric at the moment. We had a lie in as Mollie didn't need to be at work until 11.

Jon and Henry went to archery, and spent the morning tidying the table in the conservatory. I say tidying - more moving things from one surface to another. i DID throw stuff away, but the house just isn't big enough. It is frustrating. I wanted to move my craft stuff back out from under the stairs, as that is an impossible place to access it from, but instead the morning disappeared with just tidying a table. Then I started last week's ironing - that is the basket that was sitting there last sunday. There is more in the airing cupboard. Did 2 loads of washing which mostly dried on the line, so that was good, and chatted to my chickens a bit. They started it, making lots of 'I've just laid an egg' noise, so I'm not completely mad. And they had - 2 in fact. I think it's Babs who isn't laying. But great news that the other two both are.

I did a bit of planting, and even though it wasn't cold, I didn't feel like being outside. I watched Calamity Jane on dvd. 

With some help from Henry, got a roast dinner cooked. He also made some little coconut cakes. When Mollie got home, there was still about an hour of daylight, so they walked down to the playing field in the village to fly Henry's drone. Mollie took my camera and caught some good in flight pictures. I liked this one because Henry is in it.

Now it's tv. Call the midwife, and the SS GB thing. Then another week at work.....

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