A Composition of Red, White and Blue

Dear Diary,

I was a bit early for the Lenten church service yesterday at St Andrews so I just sat in the car in the parking lot.  This is the stone wall of the church made of lovely New England field stone.  I've often admired it but today it really struck me.  The light, which was a bit diffused with the mist we were having, was making everything glow.  I just had to get out of the car and make this photograph.

Another woman was arriving just as I started to photograph and she looked a bit quizzical at me.  I could just hear the thought running through her head, "What is she photographing?"  What indeed.  It was just rocks and stems but to me they created a lovely red, white and blue composition.

So many of my photographs in this journal are biographical in some way; they tell a story.  This photograph is simply a response to something quite ordinary but quite beautiful as well.  Stopping to take in these simple vignettes in our daily life is something I do routinely.  It is part and parcel of who I am so I guess this image is biographical as well.  All photographs, in the end, are.  The camera lens points inward as well as outward.  “Just put your love into your eyes and just look at the world with that gaze and that’s what contemplation is about, really. It’s learning how to find that gaze in yourself and to put it in the world.” ~  Marilyn Nelson via ON Being 

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