A caught copper

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Well, first small copper seen this year.... drinking nectar on the brightest part of the garden, on the brightest ragwort under the brightest late Summer sun... & ok, yes., I photoshop *on* my camera, I in fact *camerashop* but really, with the naked eye, it really was *this* bright - as have noticed the comments about my heavy use of colour on my photos....well, I'm an abstract painter (or was)... I use colour & loads of it.... why see a dull, washed out photo when your spirits can be uplifted by dazzling colour, to me, it defines beauty, & it defines the person I am too, my life in colour... if I were to ever change my journal name on here, that'll be it! Stop rambling for Godsake & get on for with it. Sorry, I'm rambling.

As for..... oh look...

Mr Larry

I feel happier today. I had such an uplifting dream about my mum last night, well, this morning... I seem to dream in the daylight hours of the mornings... I was holding her, holding her hand & I said to her 'I'll never let you go, I'll be with you always'.. now you'd think it would be the kind of thing she'd say to me, as she's left me... but then think of it via her point of view, she's left & she didn't chose herself to leave & perhaps she's worried I'll leave her, as in, forget about her instead of me worrying that as she's in a better place, she'll forget about me? So there I was holding her so tightly, knowing she was going to leave me in this life & telling her & all she did was squeeze me so tight & kiss my cheeks, my forehead & smile, but she really, really smiled & nodded her head in agreement that it was going to be & will always be the case. xxxx

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