Colophon Cafe

I only took one photograph today, this one. Arvin and I were at the Colophon Cafe. I took him out to lunch today. He enjoyed the outing very much. When I got to Silverado he seemed very confused and lost. However after getting some help getting him ready for an outing and heading out, he perked right up and was a happy guy during our couple of hours out together. 

One of the reasons we went to the Colophon is that the paintings on the walls in this part of the restaurant are by my friends and me, all part of Trish's classes. The paintings are inspired by the work of Jacob Lawrence. Mine on the left actually is from an earlier time. I added it to the show to fill the space of one painter who got sick and couldn't finish her painting. I like the show. One of my favorites is the middle one by my friend Helen. I like how she used the theme of immigration to show her Norwegian grandfather arriving in New York. This really fits with Jacob Lawrence's subjects and the show currently on display at the Seattle Art Museum. On March 18 a bunch of us are planning to come down to the show.

While we had lunch I met two people I know and we all chatted. It is fun to meet folks you know. Living here for almost 27 years means that I often see people I know.

After lunch I used my birthday card to get a discount on a book for Arvin from Village Books. The book is a visual essay on evolution and very interesting. It is full of amazing photographs and lots of fascinating information. When we got back to Silverado we looked through the book and I read some of the interesting information while we looked. Arvin seemed quite interested. I expect Helena will read to him from it when she returns next week.

Now I am home. I am not having dinner this evening because I ate so much for lunch. It was quite yummy and filled me up handily. Arvin had a pot pie and we shared a peanut butter pie. Oh baby! That was delicious. It is one of their specialties.

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