Right On Time

First day of work after the spring break -- went to work, worked, went back home ... and was just on time on the Haringvliet Bridge to shoot this.  I don't know the shutter speed, but I do know that the car speed was about 100 kph.

It wasn't a bad day, not at all.  I was too tired, though, to work seriously on any MOOC, so I let it go.  I am on time with all of them.  FutureLearn, though, has not only raised its prices if you want a certificate of achievement, but it has upgraded its platform by charging prices if you want to take the tests necessary to get a certificate in the first place.  You still have the option of taking the course for free, but then you won't be able to take the tests, in which case you can't get a certificate of achievement but merely a certificate of participation.  I don't mind paying for the courses I really want to take, but I definitely will think twice now before opting for the test of any given course -- Do I really need to take the tests for this course?  Will the course be relevant for my work?  If not, should I even consider taking it?  On the other hand, I am also glad that I can, for instance, take more business courses to fulfill the school's professionalization requirements but without having to take the tests.  Since I am not so interested in applying for certificates for business courses (as I'm not really a business-oriented person), not taking the tests won't be a problem, and I can still list the courses anyway if the boss wants me, too, and if I don't need to pay, he won't need to reimburse me either.  Easy way out!

NCIS DC has gone back to reruns of the very first season, and now I've lost some enthusiasm.  NCIS LA has done the same, but as I haven't yet seen most of those episodes, I don't mind so much.  And the newest ones do get shown on certain days anyway.  I am so tempted to buy the sets from Amazon.  I can forget that, though, as the money needs to be reserved for the solicitors as well as for the summer break.

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