"The Botanics" from the other side

First conference call at 8 am and that is how it continued.
However, I could managed to sneak out between calls and enjoy the glorious weather we had in Glasgow!
I walked through the Botanical garden and plenty of people were around sitting in the sun and enjoying a truly beautiful spring day. 
On my way home I thought I would check The Botanics from the other side.
There seem to be still flats available. Surely not as a bargain. And surely not my taste.
They are still building but there is a huge progress since last year: 10.02.201612.03.2016 and 27.04.2016

I feel sorry for the house owners behind it. They got their view perfectly destroyed. And those are beautiful big Victorian town houses!

Neil was late again, but pre-announced.
I went into the bathtub in the evening. Was trying Epsom Salt the first time.
Was quite pleasant.

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