Spring Weather

As you can see tuesday started beautifully! I was covering Colourful Mai's chicken duty so up to the allotment via the churchyard! Thorough cleaning of the coop and a cuddle with Penny - the biggest of the girls who has decided she likes cuddles once more now she is allowed to free range! Next stop my plot and another attack on the brambles coming over from the vacant field next to the plot. Then a bit of DIY on my fruit cage - the redcurrants always grow through the netting and I spend a lot of my time untangling them to save the berries from the birds! It was DIY with a good measure of Heath Robinson! I used old raspberry canes and the broken metal archway to hold the net away from the bushes! By the time I finished the sky was darkening so a good time to stop.
Blooming good job I did for as no sooner had I got home than the heavens opened and we had a hail storm! The biggest I have ever witnessed! Soon it looked as if it had snowed as everything was white! Typical - the Magnolias flower and we get weather to ruin them! Happens every year - I'm guessing from their country of origin hailstorms hardly ever happened! ( I do love a bit of "My Fair Lady!")
You can see the road outside my house here and also poor Milkshakes stitches! I tried the Manuka Honey on them - very thick and sticky and not easy to apply at all! She will have fun licking it off come saturday! 

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