Fantastic Mr Fly

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Ok so not everyone's cup of tea & yes, it's collecting salvia together for something or other, best not to predict what for! But still! Hooray for the new camera, look at the detail on that! I'm very happy with it. Ok, so I wish it was a more attractive fly, as some are certainly more attractive then others... & I wished for better light as the exposure had to go up because it was a dark, dull, wet old day...

As for Larry... no, not him again today:

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Housework today, hoovering, dusting. It's hard cleaning in my mum's room - it's a spare bedroom really, but it was also her dressing room. She's still there, I feel her in every corner, it's a tiny room, but I can still smell her, smell her sweet scent & the wardrobes are full of her clothes. She was a little person & a lot thinner then me, so I can't fit into any of her clothes. Always been my dream to lose weight in order to wear her clothes anyway. One day perhaps! xxxx

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