Sgwarnog: In the Field

By sgwarnog


Rather a full on start to the week - straight off the bus into leading a workshop which went on for most of the day, although it was supposed to be just a morning. Which should have fazed me, but other than one soft reboot of my cognitive processes I kept fairly chilled and steady.

While my workshoppers were fruitfully engaged in some task I stepped out into the corridor for the moment, which happens to be where most of the loaned collection of Matt Lamb's paintings are displayed. Four years ago I blipped a topographic close-up of one of his works, today I was drawn to this portrait. I guess I feel like this guy looks, most of the time.

And this presents another opportunity to direct you to the short film about the artist that my nephew Owen shot a few years back.

And what a pleasure to have more daylight this evening, enough for a short potter around on the moor before heading home for my tea.

And I even managed to slip an #actuallyautistic joke into the twittersphere. Well, sort of a joke.

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