A change in weather! Gone the warm sun, and a cool wind blew.
I stayed inside during the morning. Had a nice phone call with Mischa.
After lunch Piet Hein and I walked down the hill towards the Weser.
We found horses grazing at different spots. On of these is my entry for the Wild Wednesday challenge, so kindly hosted by Cailleach. Thanks so much Cailleach.
We now saw that the slopes of the railroad which goes parallel along the footh- and cyclepath but a lot higher up because of possible flooding, are in the process of thoroughly cleared of all vegetation, grass, herbs, bushes, blackberry, and trees, smaller and larger ones. A bare sight, but perhaps this had to be done for the safety of the railroad, who knows.
Men were busy with big machines. We walked as far as Würgassen and back.
It was not really cold, and we were glad that those dark clouds stayed far away in the west.

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