Deep Breaths

It's been a funny day.
I think the novelty of getting up early, making sure everything's ready and getting to school on time is wearing off. I'm tired and slightly dismayed to realise that this is it.
Every day.
I know I'll get used to it and eventually life will fall into routines which will feel completely normal. But it takes me a while to get used to change.....
It makes me sad that Miss L has lost her big sister on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Having been her only entertainment today I've realised how much time they did spend together on those days keeping each other occupied.
Mr K hadn't arranged to leave work early to collect Miss E which meant I couldn't take Miss L to her swimming lesson. That made me sad - very few things haven't today!!! - as she always seems to get a bit shafted when re-arrangements need to be made. Miss E never missed swimming.....
And when I did pick Miss E up I got bad vibes for the first time. Only a little bit and I'm sure only because I'm feeling very emotional today! She didn't seem that happy and her teacher was a little dismissive with her. For the first time this week she was very quiet and looked so fragile it broke my heart. I know it's chaos at pick up time and I know she doesn't know Miss E from Adam yet but I need to feel that the teacher gets her.
I'm sure I sound like an over-protective, over-sensitive Mummy but she's my baby. And I don't get to take care of her anymore.....
So I cried all the way home (quietly!) and I've got tears pouring down my face writing this. It's ridiculous!!
On the plus side Miss E can now count to five in Japanese! She learnt in her first Karate lesson this afternoon and is very pleased with herself!
And Dallas is on tonight. Woohoo!!!

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