Birthday Sleepover

Today was the long awaited day of Miss E's birthday sleepover. She has been so excited about it, counting down the days for the last week!
Mr K took them off to swimming as usual this morning and after a teeny lie in I headed to Bicester to try and sort out getting Miss L's medicine.
The surgery was closed so I went to the pharmacy who told Mr K they didn't have the medicine but failed to mention that they'd forgotten to order it. They said they had tablets but couldn't give them to me because the prescription was for a suspension. 
She wrote what she had on the prescription and suggested I go to the hospital to see a doctor.
At the hospital there were two women on the desk who apparently had never sat behind the desk. Or used a computer. Or actually ever set foot in a hospital.  
It took almost two hours - in an empty deserted clinic - to enter Miss L's details on to the computer and to call two local pharmacies to see if they had the medicine.
In the end I took the prescription back - because I couldn't bear to watch the woman attempting to dial out and being unable to pronounce Aciclovir - and I called every pharmacy within a twenty mile radius. No-one had it.
Eventually I got an appointment with a doctor. He came to the door and called "Miss L". When I said she wasn't here he stopped in his tracks and asked me what I expected him to do without seeing the patient.
Oh my God.
He was so pissy and said I couldn't have an appointment for a patient who wasn't there.
I explained that it's just a prescription issue and he very ungraciously agreed to see me.
He said he couldn't understand why I hadn't just got tablets from the pharmacist. Because that's not what the chuffing prescription was for you chuffing annoying git!!!!!!!!!
Eventually he gave me a new prescription for the tablets. Just in time for me to hotfoot it home with them in time for Miss L's next dose. They're the size of horse pills so he suggested the we crush them up and mix them with a spoonful of jam!
It turned out they were soluble so Miss L was able to drink a tasty ginger ale Aciclovir cocktail!
Miss M and Miss A arrived at 5pm for the sleepover. It was amazing!!!! 
It was like having a house full of teenagers - ordering pizza, listening to music, drenching themselves in perfume, decorating tote bags with fabric pens, ordering Mr K around and banishing us from the living room so they could watch Harry Potter.
Apparently they are planning to stay up until 5am so I went to bed and left them to it!!
It's makes me so happy to see Miss E so happy. Miss M and Miss A are lovely girls and Miss E is obviously so happy with them, just hanging out and being a carefree nine year old.
And speaking in weird Tweenie code, learning to signal loser and whatever with her hands, raising her voice annoyingly at the end of her sentences.
It's the future!!!

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