Sorting out my lovely new bureau!

Today was originally supposed to be a work day, as I had booked Monday and Tuesday off for our Wales trip. But then when I needed an appointment for the ear syringing, the first day they could give me was today, so I've been able to benefit from almost a whole day at home, which is so rare!

I began the day focussing on filling my bureau with all my card making stuff. I now have a full cabinet and a pretty tidy table. It fits neatly in to the conservatory and EVERYTHING is in one place now. I'm happy! (hope Jon will be when he gets home tomorrow!)

I took Mollie to work, then once back home, rang Direct Line to get her added to my car insurance for the remainder of the term of my insurance. It means she will be able to use my car until she goes to Uni, on the days I am not using it. Specifically over Easter when she has to work, and we will be away in our caravan. I am happy now that she will not have to cycle, potentially in the dark if she has late nights. I haggled the price down....twice. Although a lot of money, it's worth it for peace of mind....and by asking, I eventually got £70 knocked off, which was over 20% off, and enabled me to buy breakdown cover for the remainder of the term too.

Then it was my very quick appointment at the Dr where I now hope my ear has been sorted out. No pain during the process, and no more going to bed with olive oil in my ear! Hopefully no more vertigo! If I only need that once every 51 years, then I should be good now for a while!

Back home, with the sun out it has been lovely. I've done things in the garden, a bit of digging, planted my courgette seeds (later than usual, because the days ran away with me) while Henry has helped clear away some rubbish. We have made a space near the summerhouse for a small vegetable plot, so tomorrow evening after work I hope to dig a bit more. Then bean seeds need planting in pots. 

We took Bracken when we collected Mollie and walked round Cromer for an hour. He was puzzled by the unusual surroundings, but behaved. The tide was in so we couldn't get on the beach.

This afternoon, I've responded to both Daniel & Mollie's student finance applications. Mollie cooked dinner and with tv pretty rubbish I've sat on my computer, but think I might go to bed and read my book! Work tomorrow....a 2 day week where I will probably spend the day catching up with 3 days worth of might be a long one! 

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