Eat the FROG!

This is my Wednesday Blip!
I am still not fully recovered and am trying to catch up with work things. A lot of stuff seems to be piling up while other urgent things get in the way. Not a state I like ....
Then reading through a life style news letter I came across that advice:
Eat the frog!
“Eat a live frog first thing every morning, and nothing worse will happen to you the rest of the day.” – Mark Twain
If you’re like most people, there is a task every day you procrastinate because it scares or overwhelms you. This task is your frog, and according to Mark Twain, you should eat it right away in the morning. The problem with procrastinating eating your frog is that it’s hard to concentrate on getting other things done; you’re too busy thinking about the frog you need to eat later. Also, putting it off makes it seem even more overwhelming because you have time to imagine every possible thing that could go wrong with the task.
Eating the frog early in the day gives you a sense of accomplishment, and it’s great to start the day feeling successful. Finishing your dreaded task immediately can give you the momentum you need to get other tasks done throughout your day. Plus, they’ll all seem easy compared to the frog you started with.
Oh dear - I have so many frogs to eat at the moment and when I went for a small walk in the early evening I could not get this quote out of my head!
I am now determined to face my frogs early in the day instead of procrastinating it to the evening. I think it will take a bit to manage. But I am sure it is a good thing to do!
Not much else to mention. Neil and I are still on left overs ......

The photo shows Queen Margaret Bridge from the other side for a change.

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