Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

Flowers for Gitama

A long, lazy weekend ahead of us. Luke went to a friend last night and stayed over, and returned this morning. Adam went to a 21st party last night and came home from there after also staying over - so now all the boys are home again. We had a lovely roast lunch and then ate far too much chocolate...

The first thing I did when I woke up this morning was to check on Gitama's blip for news about her precious dog Rumi. Funny how we have not met but I can almost feel her pain - I was very sad to see that Rumi was taken to the vet yesterday where they had to say goodbye to him. These flowers are for Gitama.

I could not stop thinking that on Good Friday last year we arrived in Durban for my mother's 80th birthday (which was much earlier, in March). Now she is no longer with us.

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