Sock measurement

My parents mark up our heights on the kitchen wall. When I say 'our' this is not just family members: just about everyone who comes to visit is invited to be measured. Today it was the turn of the sock puppets, as blipped.

After breakfast we drove Kev up to Steel Rigg to see the Roman Wall and Kevin Costner's tree. Kev and the socks left for the airport at midday.

We had lunch with my parents and then spent a couple of hours with them (both awake, at the same time, in the same part of the house), lounging in the drawing room (reading, chatting etc.)

We enjoyed the rest of the day with Katherina and her daughters Eve and Ruby at their house in Hexham. Here we played Settlers of Catan (Ruby won), Mr hazelh made supper for us all, and then Eve and Mr hazelh entertained us by playing their guitars and singing. We are staying overnight here on our last night away from home.

Exercise today: a bit of walking along the Roman Wall.

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