Arizona Dreamin’

By laurie54


I was thinking about the theme for today's mono Monday, ABOVE, and I was coming up blank.  I thought that some folks obvious choice might include the sky in some way. (This one sort of does that.) I'm new to the challenges so I'm not really into the swing of things.  Fortunately, instead of bringing just an SD card and thumb drive into the camera club for my usual pain in the butt daily trip, I had my camera with me.  Before I went in, I turned around realizing I was on the second floor (even though I walked straight there from the parking lot).  I saw the deck above the pool and thought it was perfect for the theme.  So my first foray into mono Monday is at the GVR Santa Rita Springs Rec Center!

I ended up in the Urgent Care again yesterday evening.  The toes are still infected and painful so they took x-rays just to make sure the bones hadn't been affected.  Fortunately, not.  There really wasn't much the nurse practitioner could do because I'm already on antibiotics.  But I did learn something new: the sharp pain that seems to come out of nowhere is nerve pain, probably triggered by my chronic neuropathy.  At least I have an explanation for some of it.

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