Vignettes of Another Awesome Day in the Mountains

It wasn't the alarm that got me out of bed this morning ...when I looked out of the window from my bedroom @ Isbi's farm the mist was so magical I nearly slammed my head on the door rushing for my camera. It was so lovely wandering about in the early morning light and dew...quiet and so fresh.
After a farewell to Isbi we took off for Mount Wilson and what a treat that was.
We don't get trees that colour up like this where I live.....I have been deprived. The colour and rustle of the leaves underfoot brought back memories of childhood in UK........even the smell was close enough to what I remembered.
We wandered around the gardens snapping happily away then meeting up with the other blippers for some silly shots (check Trisharoonis for those).
On the way out of the gardens I had to blip that bloody big mushroom sitting on the was huge and would feed a family of 12 if one dared cook it up.

Checking the time it was time to head off to Mount Victoria to meet a few more blippers for lunch at a lovely little cafe/restaurant...(maybe it was that delicious looking....huge mushroom that inspired me for a mushroom pasta for lunch)....we certainly are a lot of chatterboxes...well there is a lot to say I reckon.

Jen was reluctant to get back on the highway so we took a detour (to postpone the inevitable) to Evans Lookout...the light was lovely so we stayed and snapped happily for a while until we got on the road back to Newie.

Not been home that long and now I have posted (couldn't make up my mind what to post so I posted everything).....I am so knackered I'm off to bed.
Thank you lovely lot.

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