Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Looking back 2

Here are some newly scanned-in deckchairs from long ago, blowing over rather elegantly by the Serpentine (Hyde Park, London).  The fade at the edges, particularly top, was a tendency of my old Pentax.  Although by the time I took this I was working in a professional darkroom, I clearly didn't compensate properly.  Probably one sneaked through at coffee time!

That's about it for today, which is good as I'm pretty tired after yesterday.  My challenge will come when I have to respond to this tomorrow.  Yikes!

Happy (Bank hol or not) Monday, lovely folks  xx

Looking Back Project: for those of you who don't already know, while my 'proper' camera is in dock I've set myself the task of scanning and re-processing a few of my old film images to alternate with new shots taken on borrowed camera, using the old to kick off ideas for current ones. 

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