An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

Berry Tasty...


The builders were here at 8am sharp as usual.  It's going to be so strange when they are no longer here.  The place will be very quiet indeed!

Spent the morning preparing the food for tonight's dinner with Lj and Derek.  We've never been so organised before when having friends coming to stay over.  The bedroom was ready, the food was prepared, the table was set and the wine was chilling by lunchtime.  David even had time to sneak off to the driving range.  I stayed behind and managed to get a photo of the electrician to add to the other shots of the guys that I took on Friday. Think the painter will be here tomorrow so will try and get him then.

Our old front doors were removed this afternoon and the new ones fitted.  They are still to be painted and don't have any glass in them yet but they still look better than the old ones.  

Lj and Derek arrived at 7am on the dot (always punctual :-) and we had a lovely evening with them.  This was the first time they've been here since the main part of the building work was completed so they got quite a surprise.   

It was so good to catch up and hear all that they've been up to.  They are never in one place for long and will be heading off abroad again in a few weeks time.  Hoping to meet up with them for Breakfast at Broadslap before then.

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