Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008

Wild iris

Yes, okay, I know I missed yesterday, but I always intended to bookend my self-inflicted project that way.  If nothing else, it gets me through 2 more camera-less days, though in fact I was very tired and glad for once of a break,  However, today I bring you a yellow flag (wild iris).  They are out everywhere at the moment, in the water meadows and down by the stream.

Today I had lunch with my sis at the Half Moon & Spread Eagle.  Such a brilliant name for a pub, don't you think?  Afterwards we went for a short walk in Micheldever Wood Forest.  It was rather late for the bluebells, but the beech leaves are all newly opened and looking wonderful.  I then went for another walk when I got home, with my daughter and Hazel the dog.  Phew!

So there you have it, my day and a beautiful yellow flag/ iris to celebrate it.

Enjoy your evening  xx

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