Nicky and her Nikon

By NickyR

A busy day

I was up early this morning - more new house stuff to attend to, I don't want to bore everyone by going on about it but as we are completing in a week's time there is so much to organise. Popped in to the decorators to give them the go ahead for the curtains and wall paper etc - then off to the bank, supermarket, and home again in time to take Murdoch for a second walk of the morning - in the rain - as we had another viewing and so we all have to clear out of the house - such a bother!

Gavin and I have both had quite a few fraudulent credit card applications on our behalf - they call it impersonation fraud - so I also had to deal with that this morning, declining the applications and then I was advised to request my credit file to see who else has been falsely requesting finance on my behalf. We worked out that someone has been stealing out post through our post box to obtain our personal details, our postman confirmed that quite a few houses in our street have had the same problem - so yesterday Gavin put a lock on our post box which hopefully will help.

I seem to have so many other little jobs to do at the moment - I was asked to buy the leaving gifts for the members of the arts society committee who are have done their term of service, so that is taking a bit of time to source all the gifts. Oh and I have a few birthday presents to buy...and I know most men think all girls love shopping but actually I don't, which is why I am a big fan of internet shopping but not all things can be chosen that way.

My sister is visiting in July and so she required an invitation letter and some documents to enable her to apply for her visa - I also managed to do that this morning.

So another busy day, I have not had a chance to edit any photos from last week's trip. This photo of the rhododendrons in my garden is all I had time for today!

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