
Reflections :)

In the park this afternoon!

My plans to get out for the day didn't work out because I wasn't that organised and being me, I like to leave before the traffic and places get overcrowded.   I am also extremely tired for some reason and it has been very hot again today.

Then at stupid o'clock builders started with a pneumatic drill over the road (think they're starting an extension) and it was going through my head all morning :(

So a walk to the park it was, followed by a trip to the Opticians (I couldn't get an answer on the phone) to investigate sunglasses...they come at a price with prescriptions :(  It will have to be the cheapest ones and I can't afford them yet, so I really do need another job.  I have no sunglasses at all just now, only tinted glasses....

No job news yet, but I've had a couple of calls today and my CV is being submitted.  One Agency called from London and works only for a specific type of Company.  They were very impressed with my CV :)  Hoping for good news soon...

Tomorrow will be  the normal food shopping and housework (and sorting out some summer clothes) unless I get called out.

Happy Thursday folks :)

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