Downy Woodpecker

Had a quiet day today. Puttered around. Cleaned up stuff. Made a few phone calls. Took a nice walk in Big Rock Park. Went to a memorial gathering for one of my friends' husband. I enjoyed being with my friends for a few hours. Now I'm home again on my own, enjoying the quiet. I think I need some days like this. As to how I'm feeling... good actually. I still feel that Arvin made a great decision when he chose to jump right through Stage 7 of Alzheimer's and head off to the next adventure. I admire him for that. And I'm okay. Thoughtful today. I enjoy times like that. No little creatures running in circles in my head. Just quiet deep thought. My favorite kind.

Oh and I got a very lovely gift from Janine who was here from DC for Arvin's funeral. She got it just right: a small glass world, so beautiful. It is sitting where I can see it as I type.

And thank you all for so many stars and hearts yesterday. I was pleasantly surprised. Thanks for following me when I don't have much time to visit and comment myself. 

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