Sea Foam.....

....Is the name of this little rose....and looks much better large.

I bought it a few weeks back and potted it up.........the afternoon sun was gorgeous as it flooded the deck and I was watering and misting to give the plants a treat...but the treat was all mine with the sun catching the little drops.

I was particularly struck by this one bloom in particular...full of pesky ants being very industrious...a small cobweb surrounding it full of droplets...and that's not to mention the  lovely cream petals.

I took many pics...every which way but in the end I had to choose this one...I loved looking at it...the  light and glow ....and the strange little golden patterns just made my eyes dance.

On another note........I have managed to get my father moved to a hospital just 10 mins away in town...I will be able to visit him every day now...that will give Mum a bit of a break.

Thank you BikerBear...I trust all is well in your world love...and thank you for hosting FF...I am not sure if this is a little too abstract for your criteria but I'm putting it in anyway.

“We dance round in a ring and suppose,
But the Secret sits in the middle and knows.”
- Robert Frost

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