Awesome Gig!!

I had a quite productive day and finished a few major tasks for this week!
The weather was wonderful too. Not that hot but sunny again! 

We had tickets for Fischer-Z at the Òran Mór in the evening. I LOVED Fischer-Z in the 80ies and listened to their music all day long. 
Lost track over the time and was reminded last year when I hooked up with my old friend Stefan again.
I was delighted to see them - or him - John Watts - playing in Glasgow tonight and got tickets a few weeks ago.
Oh my! The gig was awesome!! 
Was quite empty as Fischer-Z were never as big as on the Mainland. Neil - who knows his music - did not even know them!
I had great fun and space to hop around - which is not my usual way at concerts. But this gig was just amazing. He has not lost anything of his magic power. Fantastic musician and songwriter. Great band to support and a mix of old and new stuff!
Neil also enjoyed it :) Bonus!
After the gig I talked a bit with John Watts and he signed my CD.
They are playing in Berlin in October. I will be there. That will be a big sold out gig I imagine. 
After the concert I was still on a high and instead of walking home we walked down Byres Road. The night was so mellow and beautiful.
We ended up at the Hanoi Bike shop for a late dinner. 
This was the perfect end to an amazing evening. The food is so good there.
We were home at midnight and I got online to buy the tickets for Berlin! It looks like I will be moving a bit to Berlin in October. I have 4 gigs to go to in 10 days. As bad as my job sometimes is, its great that I can work from everywhere ....

Photo is again taken with the N1. John Watts - aka Fischer-Z in action. 
More in Extras.

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