Pushing Up The Daisies

As I walked through the local churchyard on my way to the polling station today I thought of my grandparents' generation who fought in one or other of the World Wars and of the generation before them. I wondered what they'd make of our country today. I'm sure Emmeline Pankhurst would have a few choice words for those who don't exercise their right to vote.

In today's modern world with all its multiple sources of information you'd think it would be easy to find out about local nominees, and vote. I was was somewhat dismayed however that only 1 of 4 local candidates bothered to write to me or drop a leaflet through my door. 1 of the 4 didn't even have an up to date web page with a manifesto. On a national level, imo none of the candidates seem suitable for the job of PM.

But I did vote. Of course I did. I compromised like almost everyone else.

And then I thought of our children: what will they think of this period in history? What will they remember us for? Will they think if this period as being 'strong & stable'? I don't think so somehow. Our NHS is collapsing, education is failing, racism & extremism are on the increase. Globally, there is a war against terror, as well as many nations being at war with each other and, together we are slowly destroying the world through global warming.

Our heads need banging together. And I've not even mentioned Brexit!

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