The Lozarithm Lens

By Lozarithm

The Courts NT (Monday 12th June 2017)

After we'd gone plant-buying at Milestone Nurseries near Holt, C. and I went on to The Courts NT gardens which lie nearby. It was her first visit whereas I had been there on 16th May, and was remembered by the man at the entrance kiosk. C. was impressed and will probably become a regular visitor as it is only a short drive from her home. My favourite area is probably the shady corner where the ponds are, with their water lilies.

(If it doesn't look sharp, try Large, because it is.)

13.6.2017 (1352 hr)

Blip #2134 (#2384 including 250 archived blips)
Consecutive Blip #018
Blips/Extras In 2017 #192
Day #2636 (517 gaps from 26 March 2010)
LOTD #1369 (#1495 including 126 on archived blips)

Taken with Pentax K-1 and Pentax HD P-D FA 28-105mm f/3.5-5.6ED DC WR lens

Gardens series
National Trust series
Flora series

Taken with Pentax K-50 (Red) and Pentax HD P-DA 55-300mm F4-5.8 ED WR lens

Lozarhythm Of The Day:
Saint Etienne - Take It All In (2017)
Saint Etienne were on 6 Music at lunch time talking about their new album, Home Counties, and Stuart Maconie, who was very complimentary about the record, remarked that this song sounded as if it could have been on a Pye record label single back in the sixties.

One year ago:
Bowood 2016 #19

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