Still got it

Like everyone else, I woke to the hugely distressing news and pictures of the most terrible fire in a London block of flats. Strangely, I felt more upset by this tragic accident, and loss of life, than with the recent terrorist attacks. I perhaps could more easily imagine being in that position. Those poor families. I will have to donate to a fund to to help them, when one is created.

I felt very tired today, so struggled a bit this morning, and improved in the afternoon. I left at 4.15 and when I got home, Henry and I went for a swim. We were back by 6.30 and Mollie was doing dinner.

Henry forgot to take shorts, so had to come home in his wet swimming shorts. I made him sit on an old curtain I keep in the car (in case I need to sit on the ground to change a tyre) & I tried to take his photo to blip him. He wouldn't let me! So when hanging up our wet swimming things, I thought I'd see if I could still perform a reasonable handstand. I know I've blipped that before, but I'm older now! The last one was probably when I was 50, so I'll aim to blip a handstand annually. This is at 51 and a half. I'm pleased with it.

I have started an iris folding card, which I hope to finish tomorrow. Mollie baked white chocolate brownies (our favourite ever recipe) and I will take them to work to be sold tomorrow. Others will make cup cakes, and we will all buy and eat cake!

Need to get to bed now.

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