Still hot, hot, hot

This morning I went out for my walk at 7.30am. We only went along the lane but it was hot. Going along the lane usually only takes about half an hour, but I was being slower than a snail. Ann walked all the way to end of the lane – but I didn't. Once we'd got about three quarters of the way along the lane I just stopped and stood still. I knew Ann would be turning around and coming back so I just waited for her. Why should I trek all the way along the lane in temps of more than 30c?

This afternoon Ann worked 1-8pm. That was the longest shift ever. She's getting too old to be on her feet for that length of time. I had a little walk to my dog sitters. I was a bit worried that he was going to make me go out jogging with him?! But do you know what?!.................................. Christian, my very lovely dog sitter, said, 'Molly, you can just chillax in the garden and then I'll take you home via the field. So that is what we did.

As soon as I got to Christians house I found a nice shady spot to chillax in and then Christian walked me home and gave me my dinner. And when Ann came home I was in a deep sleep on the kitchen floor.

…...................And now Ann's having a glass of wine while swinging around on her egg chair and I'm snoozing on the sun terrace.


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