Marjorie's ramblings

By walkingMarj

Miracles (in wool and other crafts)

Catton Methodist Church has recently organised an exhibition of knitted and other crafts depicting miracles from the New Testament. I took Mum to see them this afternoon. Our friend, Ann, lives very near to the chapel; she showed us round and then we went to her house for tea and cake.

Various organisations in the village had contributed to the project, including the classes in the local school. We saw the Good Samaritan, Jesus healing 10 lepers, Peter trying to walk on water, Jesus paying taxes with coins out of a fish, the wedding at Cana, the last supper, feeding the 5000, Jesus calming the storm, miraculous catch of fishes (after a fruitless night at sea), and the empty tomb.

My main blip is my favourite of the shepherd looking for the lost sheep. The sheep are made by adults with learning difficulties and they used pompoms for the sheep. It's a brilliant design.

My extra - well you have to guess - it made me laugh a lot.

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