Brookes Mill

The origins of John Brooke and Sons Ltd dates back to the reign of Henry V111 and the dissolution of the monasteries in the 16th century.  Roger Brooke inherited some land at Greenhill Bank on the River Holme which had been used by the nuns at Nostell Priory to graze sheep.  From this small beginning came Cartworth Mill, New Mill and Millwood -  the rest as they say is history.  

Today it's a Heritage Site and the site is more attractive from the other side but as the mill is now used by various businesses there are many cars and people coming and going - both of which I didn't want in my blip.

The Brookes apparently were YEOMAN farmers before becoming mill owners, and I'm claiming the Y for  yeoman fits the theme for this weeks WidWed challenge, kindly hosted by BobsBlips.

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