Gently down the stream

By Miranda1008


Oh dear, I am late posting tonight! 

Well, anyway, I did get my escape to Southsea today, where I didn't do a lot except sit on the pebbles and walk along the beach with my feet in the water taking pictures, mainly of seagulls in flight - almost there but not quite good enough to post.  The tide was out so there was sand underfoot at the water's edge and it was great watching so many people having a good time.

This shot, though, I took when I got back to Portsmouth Harbour.  The tide still being out, I walked right down the hard near where Warrior is anchored.  There were a lot of small boats moored there as usual, many of them keeled over in the mud.  This one, left upside down in the shadow of the train station, appealed to me because of its lack of paintwork.  Aren't those textures and colours rather wonderful?

In other news, I heard from his daughter that my old gent has been taken into hospital with chest pains.  I shall see him tomorrow hopefully and find out more.

Thursday tomorrow.  Have a good one  xx

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