The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Municipal worker in heatwave shock

As the bus pulled into Cheltenham, I was surprised to see some council workers NOT wearing uniforms. They were snipping and clipping the municipal flower beds.I did check to see that they weren't volunteers but employees. But the temperature was about ninety degrees, so why wear a uniform anyway? Safety boots and boiler suits? Don't think so!

This is Lisa, clipping for all she's worth. It's my contribution to the Cultural Blip Municipal Workers challenge. I  hope she sees this, even though it's a few days out. 

I have spent the day in my nightwear because it's so hot, searching online and via Facebook groups for a venue for our WEA class for next year's sessions. Lots of suggestions and I'm off to meet a Baptist minister on Tuesday! I could've done without us losing our regular venue at this late stage of the proceedings.I hope one day there'll be a volunteer challenge, so that I can post a selfie! There's nothing selfless in the way I volunteer, I'm doing it to keep us all going. If we lost our class in Stroud or Stonehouse, the world would be a duller place for at least 30 people.

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