A Proper Grandma

I responded to a call for help from my son and daughter in law today. William is being very wakeful in the small hours which is just when they want to get some sleep. In fact, George has had to have time off work this week because he's got so tired.

William and I went for a walk while Mum and Dad went for a nap. We sauntered along the streets of Braunstone/Glenfield managing to stay out for an hour. It began to rain.

He woke up as I was manoeuvring the pram through the back door. We sat together for at least half an hour. His dummy was invaluable in keeping him quiet.

Finally, George came downstairs and we moved William to his bean bag. Then it was time for a nappy change and a feed. I changed the nappy and gave him his bottle.

So lots of cuddle time for me. And George entertained him in all sorts of ways that I never thought of when mine were small. I must have been far too tired.

I hope William gives his parents some rest tonight.

A programme on BBC 4 is revealing the secret life of garden snails. The researcher painted them in four different dayglo colours. Time lapse photography revealed their movements.

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