The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Wet and wintry the middle of summer! Today was the day of the county show, a massive agricultural event in Stratford park, but we decided not to go, because it would have been such a wash out. Besides, last year there was only one Dexter bull, and of course no highland dancing or piping, this being England after all! As for the coconut shies, I haven't seen one since 1973...

Today I've mostly been wasting time. I feel tired and emotional, and can't quite believe it's not the end of term yet. We've had all the leavers' events already.

I read a book called Behind Closed Doors, which I don't recommend, and set about the admin of the WEA Stroud branch page on Facebook. All.of this was a way of putting off tidying my desk and getting the house ready for the cat sitter before our hoildays! The credit card I'd ordered from Nationwide.on Wednesday, arrived . No sign of the other one I ordered weeks ago from MBNA!

Finally, it dawned on me this evening that 15 July is my actual blipversary. Five years since I started with a bowl of porridge! I've missed several since then, and the methods of counting have changed, so this date is a personal celebration. It saddens me that my photography appears to have got worse, rather than better, but I'm enjoying the trip, and especially the company.

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