Journey Through Time

By Sue

Wildlife Garden

This afternoon I went to the Wildlife Botanical garden and snooped around. It is certainly looking like an end of summer garden, but there were plenty of bees taking advantage of every bloom, it seemed. Actually I was so focused (Oh, I made a pun!) on the flower and getting this into frame okay, that I didn't even realize there was a bee on it until I saw it on the computer. And I have no idea what this flower is, except maybe a foxglove kind of thing.

I went to Physical Therapy and have been given the okay to ease up on wearing that brace. Okay by me, as I think the darn thing has harmed my hand. My thumb has some numb spots. That about figures for me...the cure has side effects. I told her about that on the last visit and she tried to adjust the brace, but it has to fit snugly...oh, blah, blah, blah. Anyway...I'm on the mend.

And let me say this about poor Princess Kate: It pains me to see this business about publishing photos of her ta ta's, and I must make a public (sort of ) statement. For the yellow journalism magazines: Oh my gosh, you stupid, ignorant, money grubbing, disgusting, SOB's. Killing William's mother wasn't good enough for you? This does not make you feel even a LITTLE BIT GUILTY? Shame on you.

And for Kate: Hold your head high, be proud of your ta ta's, look everyone in the eye, and remember that this too shall pass. Also remember...if you can see "out", somebody can see "in". You are a class act, so let the Palace lawyers do their thing and just ride it out.

I feel much better...whew. Had to get that off my chest. Bwahahahaha. Sorry. It's one of those days.

Take care, my blippers. Keep your sense of decorum and humor.

"My therapist told me the way to achieve true inner peace is to finish what I start. So far today, I have finished 2 bags of M&M's and a chocolate cake. I feel better already."

Dave Barry

(Dave Barry is a well respected humorist, living and writing in the US.)

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