More cake

I made Max a belated Birthday Victoria Sponge, my Dad and Aselle came over for lunch and cake and brought us presents, they got me a beautiful lamp from France and Max a book on wine.
We played bananagrams!
Dad also gave us all a bookmark with his illustrations on them that he had made for a talk he gave in a school recently on his book about Bees
Gulli did the Parkrun for the first time this morning and managed the whole 5k in 28.59 but was very tired afterwards.
Zebedee went to a friend's first boxing match which he won and took some photos, Dad and Aselle gave him a lift there which was kind as he wasn't sure how to get there.
Gulli went to visit his friend Callum and Max and I went to our friend Steve's 60th, he had a Mariachi band playing, it was a great party and we caught up with friends Steve and Debbie Wren and Paul and Saima Barry as well as Steve, wife Josette and son Reuben.
I had a gig at 12.30 so we were picked up at 11, more about that on tomorrow's blip.

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