West Norwood blips

By KandCamera


Day 325
And this is the end. The final day of this amazing trip. I went to the Petronas Towers and spent most of the afternoon in a cafe drinking beer and trying to catch up with uploading blips as I was a week behind. For a short time the wind dropped enough to get some reflections of the towers in the lake. I think there are enough lines in this for it to qualify for the mono Monday theme. I picked up my luggage from the hotel and headed to the airport at 8pm for a late night flight back to the UK.

Trip summary
Days: 325

Countries visited: Germany, Russia, Mongolia, South Korea, Japan, China, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, Thailand, New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Malaysia, Brunei, Malaysia, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaysia (And transit through France, Belgium, Poland and Belarus)

Distance covered: 76,441km (not including distances covered within cities or towns)
Overland distance: 42,703km or 56% (ok it’s cheating to do this calculation before I fly back to the UK and the overland percentage drops but I don't care!) 

Modes of transport: train, underground, tram, bus, minibus, van, boat, tuk tuk, songthaew, motorbike, bicycle, taxi, car, plane, horse, camel

Nights on transport: 13 (11 trains, 1 bus, 1 flight + one more tonight)
Changes of place/accommodation: 151

Friends visited: 5

Other friends met up with: 9

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