3 years - and a day

I remembered this morning that I failed to recreate Bailey's first ever blip on the third anniversary of his arrival last night. It had something to do with the relief of the end of term and not knowing what day it was, I think. Bailey complied this afternoon instead. The weather this morning was certainly reminiscent of the day the bestest friend and I collected him - torrential rain which we walked in first thing this morning. Although, first thing in the holidays is significantly later than first thing in term time. 

Bailey spent the morning snoozing on his own whilst the bestest friend and I headed over to the favourite shop for a bit of a wander on the first day of our holidays. A couple of sale items purchased, including a cardigan and a raincoat and a couple of other things too ready for my holidays. 

Home to Bailey and a few jobs done: general tidying, bathroom cleaning, washing and being relieved that it was too wet to cut the grass. An afternoon nap for both Bailey and I with the Red Arrows as an alarm clock - not that I saw them, just heard them. This evening has been much dryer and brighter than this morning so long may the good weather continue. 

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