A brief rest

The pope didn't let further torrential rain and gales hold him back. I had to send him and the bird (fortunately dead) he'd caught back outside into the elements. This was a while later when he needed a brief snooze.

He gets rid of a collar within 1 to 3 days but I've got to do something because he is a prolific hunter. I've ordered a pile of cat collars with quick release buckles and bells from Ali Express. I very much doubt that they'll make any difference to my little hunter but I've got to try and give the local sparrows and finches a fair shot.

It takes a lot to put me off my Saturday morning run but today had more weather than I wanted to experience. I've cleaned the kitchen, pottered, and shown my domestic talents to the other end of the house. Then I read my book.

I visited friends a couple of streets away who've just had their new finished. It's so nice to see their excitement and have them show me things they chose and thought of. I'm pleased for them. They're a lovely young couple who made me feel welcome soon after I shifted here.

Before I left to visit them I walked a few doors down as I'd observed the little pope heading down there many times today and I wanted to see if I could spot where he goes. He was sheltered in someone's bushes and watching birds feeding on their lawn. He trotted off home keeping out of my reach and looking about as guilty as him amoral self could look.

Today's gratitude: I feel tonight for those who've been evacuated in the flooding. The district I live in in a state of emergency as is Christchurch. But as is often the case, it's only some areas that are affected, not all. I know some here in Selywn and others in Christchurch who've been evacuated from their homes. It seems wrong to say I'm grateful that I'm warm and dry because many will be worried about their homes, stock, and pets. But I truly am grateful to be warm and dry tonight, and to have amazing drainage where I live.

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