
And the heavens opened again today with the rain falling in stair rods on Edinburghers and tourists alike, leaving the streets awash with water and waterlogged, despondent pedestrians.

It is hard to believe that most of Central Europe is having a drought and temperatures in the high 30s. It appears that these islands have had a substantial volume of the Atlantic Ocean spilled on them in the last month. Little did I know that the stripey raincoat I bought on a whim in Ireland in May would be so useful in the middle of what is passing for our summer.

However, His Lordship and I braved the weather, sloshing through puddles and streams to go into town for food shopping and more importantly a birthday cake for #2 granddaughter who will be 18 tomorrow.
Currently our clothing and shoes are drying off in the cupboard with the hot water tank.
It is the kind of weather that makes summer salads seem out of place and instead makes me hanker after something more comforting like a cup of hot chocolate and a comforting scone...........but, perish these thoughts, the new wardrobe forbids them.

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