Silly Saturday Sheep

Please look large!

Although sheep may not be so silly as traditionally thought, according to this article!

Another dull and drizzly day, so once more I spent it mostly at home pottering. I did venture out to top up the groceries except it turned into a full-blown shop! On the way, I noticed a field with a very high sheep population - I think they had been herded there, as there appears to be a circus setting up in a nearby field. There were so many of them that I thought they were worth a blip but were quite a way away - good job I had my zoom lens! Of course, the light was dull, even though it had temporarily stopped raining, so it looked much better in black and white.

I know I've said it a few times lately but this one really has to be viewed on the black background to be appreciated - it looks rather disappointing here!

Blipping very early, so you may have missed yesterday's blip. Many thanks to those of you who have left lovely comments, star and hearts on my arty Flower Friday blip, as well as other recent blips - you have been very generous!

Hope you're having a great weekend!

Ann :))

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