Michelin Mobility

It was a glorious morning. Blue sky and the gentlest of warm breezes. Too good to stay in bed, especially as we had to vacate the chalet by 10 am.

I took Basil out for a walk on the beach shortly after 7 am.

As we crested the bank that separates Trusthorpe from the sea, this mobility scooter parked at the top of the ramp to the beach.

What you see is what you see. This must be the queen of mobility scooters, it's so smart. 

Roly poly michelin men adorn the roof and the front. Its occupant stayed here for the duration of my walk on the beach and showed no signs of moving when we left, no doubt because the weather was so wonderful.

We stopped at Goltho Gardens for refreshment. That was when I realised the week had been so restful. It's the immense space and solitude that does it.

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