Scary Movie

Late afternoon, after much exercise with Mr Muscle, we headed up to the Cameo to see A Ghost Story. I was forbidden from reading the review in the morning's Guardian as it allegedly contained a shocking spoiler, so I hadn't much clue what I was going to see. It's Casey Affleck in a sheet! And it's a bit slow - specifically the ten minute pie eating scene. That said, there was a genuine nice melancholy about it. Not many people there, despite the promotional material in the foyer.
Back - the final episode of the Handmaid's Tale which I've enjoyed very much. Not having read the book, I was expecting the loose ends to be tied up (I have since gathered that the end was quite faithful to the book) - useful for series two of course.
And a big anniversary - a year since I left work. And no one's been in touch begging for my return. Incredible but true!

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