Life with Alice

By elirin

The Confirmation

Alice: My mum was gone ALL day today! She went to my cousin Alexandra's confirmation in Stockholm. I'll let her write this Blip because I have no idea what she did. Me and Heidi had the best of times at home, so if you'd rather read about that (likely), please use this link:

Elisabet: I got on a morning train bound for Stockholm. It was thankfully on time, and then I went on the underground to the northwest suburbs where my brother lives. We had a light lunch at home before heading to the small church. Hundreds of people were waiting outside, and when the doors opened it quickly filled up. People were sqeezed very tightly in the pews and it was very hot.

The service was beautiful. The youngsters first gave an account of what they had learned at the confirmation camp about faith and God with the help of the prayer beads called Frälsarkransen or Pearls of Life. They also sang a song they had written, performed a small play illustrating the Ten Commandments and each of them explained what this time had meant to them personally, which was brave. A final hymn together and then they got individual blessings. Great! The Holy Communion concluded the service.

There was just enough time for me to hug my niece and give her presents at home before we all had to leave. Me for the train back and them for the reception. Alexandra had had a great experience and said that she wants to be on the staff team next year.

The intended commuter train back was not operational and I had to go on a long detour by bus and underground to get back to the city. It was OK because I had some extra time. The train back was on time and uneventful. I am happy for Alex and grateful that Alice was so well taken care of. The extra is of Jakob, Alex's younger brother, outside the church.

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