My Blip Mojo was missing with regard to the theme for the Mono Monday challenge, Distant, so I decided to set up my tripod to see if I could get some shots of the Long Tailed Tits and Blue Tits that regularly visit our feeders.  Then it started to rain, so the wasn’t going to work.

As I looked out into the garden, I saw this beautiful rose against our blue fence and decided to try and get a few shots - it was quite difficult to get to as it was quite high up and I had to trample on the garden, but I quite like this one.  You can see that some of the leaves are diseased, and I must admit we don’t do much to this rose (and I don’t even know its name) except let it climb where it wants to, but the leaves near to the actual bloom look fine.  

It reminded me, and especially after hearing our speaker yesterday at Church, that sometimes there are parts of us that are not quite as they should be, perhaps because of things that have happened to us in our lives and of course, they need to be healed or removed for our good, but there are also parts that are beautiful and need to be acknowledged as such.  

Even the fence, which does need painting, sets off the colour of the rose very well and again, this reminded me that sometimes when we are hurting or not feeling quite right, others around us can help and encourage us, although they too may be hurting and sharing is always good.

This verse from the Bible sums it up for me:

God comes alongside us 
     when we go through hard times, 
          and before you know it, 
he brings us alongside someone else 
     who is going through hard times 
          so that we can be there for that person 
               just as God was there for us.
2  Corinthians 1 : 3 & 4
The Message

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