omg...o.m.g. ... OMG... O..M..G..

It's HIM - it really is.  He's home again.  He did come back home last night, and I could hardly believe my eyes.  But it was, it was really him.

And today, THEY did keep their promise and did take me to Old Government House, and they did let me run around on my own, and EVERYTHING, and I had the BESTEST time ever.  I even found some fox poo, but she took that off me quick smart. 

And I was allowed to run on the garden beds, and EVERYTHING.  I didn't do any digging, because we didn't stay there long enough.  He's a bit poorly and she didn't want him outside in the cold air for too long.

But oh my golly gosh, it's great that we are all back together again.

I did show him how me 'n Raj play chase, and how Raj teases me and EVERYTHING.

And then me 'n her did go for a proper walk, but he didn't come because he had to do the unpacking, which means he's not going away again.

I thought I might burst with happiness - but decided to have a nap instead.

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