Tap in the Trees

The Minx has been a (characteristically) huge help in helping me to find longer routes to run around where she lives and this morning I went out and up into the hills to go through White Coppice, back 'round to the reservoir, and then home: a very satisfying eleven miles and also the farewell jaunt for my trainers

On our way out to lunch, we swung by the shop at David Lloyd where a very helpful chap helped me to select some new trainers: Nike Free 5.0s. These are on the way to being 'barefoot' shoes and one of the other guys at the desk, also a runner, said he doesn't wear them for long distances but, at a bargain £40, I decided to get them and give them a try while we're away next week. 

After that we went up to 'Tap in the Trees', where our friends Mile and Sarah - aka Bees Country Kitchen - were running a stall. I was more than ready to eat and their food was amazing: a Chorley egg with chutney plus a stew and hunk of bread, as well as a pint of ale from the other stall. Lunch of kings!

-11.3 kgs
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